Hazelnuts come in many different varieties that have names that include noisettes, haselstrauch, haselnuss, European hazel, corylus heterophylla, avellano, avellana and aveliera. Hazelnuts are commonly used in baked recipes, meals and snacks. Also known as cobnut or filbert nut according to species. Hazelnuts are from the genus Corylus avellana.

Countries like Italy, Greece, Turkey and Georgia are centers of hazelnut production. The Hazelnut Council claims that hazelnuts are a great inclusion in an everyday diet.

Hazelnut Components and Health Benefits


These nuts contain a high level of vitamins b1, b2 and b12. In the right amount, these vitamins help maintain normal cardiac rhythm, nerve functions and red blood cell production. Vitamin B also aids in efficient protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism. A handful of hazelnuts can give the body the energy it needs to last for a day.

Hazelnut is also rich in vitamin E. In fact, one small serving a day delivers 20 percent of the daily recommended vitamin E intake. This means the body gets the right amount of antioxidants that helps get rid of cancer-causing free radicals. The body does not produce vitamin E naturally. With this, hazelnut is a great source to provide this vitamin.

Additionally, hazelnut is rich in vitamin K that helps normalize blood clotting. This means hazelnuts can boost the body’s ability to stop excessive bleeding during injuries. Vitamin K also works synergistically with other nutrients for bone health. This is why hazelnuts are great for treating osteoporosis.

Good Fat

For every ounce of hazelnuts, there is about 13 grams of monounsaturated fat. This good fat facilitates bad cholesterol reduction. As a result, arteries are healthier and stronger, and that means a healthier heart.


An ounce of hazelnut is enough to provide the body with five grams of protein. This is great as a secondary source of valuable macronutrients that can help build lean muscle. Protein boosts the body’s strength, and hazelnut is its most delicious source.

Low Sodium and Cholesterol

Hazelnuts have relatively low levels of cholesterol and sodium that are extremely dangerous when consumed excessively over time. Eating hazelnuts as an alternative for snacks or other nuts is the best way to do away with these components. In addition, people don’t have to worry about accumulating fat with regular hazelnut consumption. This is why it is an excellent choice for those who want to keep on munching without gaining weight.


Hazelnuts also contain healthy amounts of calcium and magnesium that help normalize metabolism and bone health. In addition, hazelnuts are also rich in copper that protects the body against conditions like arthritis. Copper also boosts immune function and keeps the body safe from any communicable diseases.

A handful of hazelnuts also provide a complete manganese supply that meets the body’s daily needs. This mineral is responsible for enhancing food metabolism and energy production while reducing bad cholesterol.

Weight Loss

People who want to shed some weight should try munching on a handful of hazelnuts instead of high calorie food. This is because hazelnuts can make them feel full quickly and curb their appetite.

Celiac Disease

Patients with celiac disease can also benefit from hazelnut. This is mainly because it is gluten free. People with this condition are highly sensitive to many food products. With hazelnuts, they will be able to enjoy eating nuts without the worries. Hazelnut is a recommended alternative for gluten and wheat-free food preparation.

How to Take Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are usually consumed salted, roasted or ground. Today, there are many food products that use hazelnuts as one of their ingredients. This is mainly because of their crispness, creaminess and added nutrients. Hazelnut cooking oil is also becoming more popular.

Hazelnut Oils

Hazelnut is now used for cooking and therapeutic oils. It is great for cooking as it does not add bad cholesterol to the dish. It is also used as therapeutic oil for its nutty aroma and astringent properties. Hazelnut oil is great for aromatherapy and massage therapy. It is non-greasy and easily absorbed. In addition, the cosmetics industry uses hazelnut oil for make up and moisturizers.

People may incorporate these nuts into their diet as either cooking oil or roasted nuts. They may also add them on their dishes like cakes and muffins. Hazelnut flour is also gaining in popularity as a substitute for regular flour.